Extracellular Matrix and Ground Regulation: The Important of pH from an Alternative Medicinal Point of View

Christina Ulm and Gabriele Weiß “The concept of a cell is, strictly speaking, only a morphological abstraction. Seen from a biological point of view, a cell cannot be considered by itself without taking its environment into account.”With these words Alfred Pischinger (MD) was the first scientist to describe the importance of the extracellular matrix (ECM) […]
The ‘Knee-jerk’ or ‘Blood-jerk Reaction’ – A Rise in the Alkaline Ph of the Blood!

Robert O. Young … Any rise in the alkalinity of the blood above pH 7.365 (alkaline phosphate)—any rise—is a result or a compensatory reaction due to over-acidity in body tissues as the blood attempts to maintain pH balance. There is no exception for the rule of alkalinity. The body will ALWAYS overcompensates for the excess […]
A Guide to Water Filtration

World Council For Health Water is the most fundamental element of human life and clean water is essential for washing, sanitation, and, of course, drinking. The quality of the water that we drink varies greatly around the world and depends on factors like hardness, pH, clarity, dissolved solids, and contaminants. Even though it is something […]
Amyloid and Hydrogel Formation of a Peptide Sequence from a Coronavirus Spike Protein

Valeria Casteletto, Ian W. Hamley Amyloid and Hydrogel Formation of a Peptide Sequence from a Coronavirus Spike Protein We demonstrate that a conserved coronavirus spike protein peptide forms amyloid structures, differing from the native helical conformation and not predicted by amyloid aggregation algorithms. We investigate the conformation and aggregation of peptide RSAIEDLLFDKV, which is a […]