“Polio Outbreak” – the WHO, Bill Gates, Emergency Vaccines & More of the Same

Kit Knightly Polio is on the front pages of British newspapers again for the first time in decades. What a time to be alive … This is a massive escalation, even compared to the pandemic. Covid and Monkeypox at least had the good taste to wait for a single person to actually have the disease (allegedly) before […]
Oral Polio Drops Linked to Paralysis in India

Ranjit Devraj While India’s oral polio vaccine (OPV) drives have eliminated polio from the country, they have also resulted in over 490,000 cases of paralysis during 2000—2017, says a new study based on national surveillance statistics.
Let the EVIDENCE Speak: Did Vaccines Save Us?

Vax Info Start Here There is a perception out there that vaccines saved us from the deadly diseases of the 19th and 20th centuries. But did they? Please review the evidence below. You will see that in developed nations, mortality from these diseases declined dramatically before vaccines came in, with the trend heading downward (smallpox and polio […]