What is Meridian Tapping?

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Christine Morgan Meridian Tapping or Meridian Tapping Techniques (MTT) are techniques that utilize meridians (or acupressure points) to decrease or resolve negative emotions and/or emotionally based physical issues. MTT is actually an “umbrella” term covering several energy-based tapping therapies. Some of these therapies include: Accutap, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Pro-ER (Progressive Emotional Release), EMDR (Eye […]

Neurogenic Tremor Through TRE Tension, Stress and Trauma Releasing Exercises According to D. Berceli in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD

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Andreas Herold Tension, Stress und Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) are a sequence of seven exercises used to trigger neurogenic tremor. The aim of this tremor is to reduce symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD and other stress-induced symptoms. This article describes the basic features of PTSD, the TRE method, the scientific explanatory model, the principle […]

Sound Healing Using Solfeggio Frequencies

Sonya Joseph This research paper intends to educate individuals how they can use music therapy, electromagnetic sound frequencies and Solfeggio Sound science to heal mind, body and spirit. We will research Sound healing using solfeggio frequencies and i it can be an effective tool in heal generational trauma and DNA.

When Science Meets Mindfulness

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Alvin Powell In recent decades, public interest in mindfulness meditation has soared. Paralleling, and perhaps feeding, the growing popular acceptance has been rising scientific attention.Studies have shown benefits against an array of conditions both physical and mental, including irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. But some of those findings have […]

The Biological Effects of Childhood Trauma

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Michael D. De Bellis, Abigail Zisk Despite the widespread prevalence of childhood trauma, less is known about trauma’s biological effects in children as compared to adults with child trauma histories; and even less is known about how these pediatric mechanisms underlie trauma’s short-term and long-term medical and mental health consequences. This article focuses primarily on […]