Dirty Electricity

Dr. Bill Code MD, FRCPC Many of us are concerned about the health risks of EMFs and are trying to reduce our exposure to Wi-Fi radiation and cell towers. However, few of us are thinking of a somewhat similar problem caused by the electrical wires buried within almost every wall of our homes. At Canada […]
Ethical Failures of the COVID-19 Era

Michael Tomlinson The two narratives about the Covid-19 pandemic continue to clash as evidence mounts about the actual outcomes of the extraordinary strategies governments deployed to try and contain the epidemic. Has the emerging evidence vindicated the decisions governments have been making over the past three years? In particular, were they ethically justified in imposing […]
Damaged People, Rotten Standards: Anatomy of Decline

Tessa Lena If we look around, we’ll see many working-age people struggling with basic tasks, and a great decline in standards. The MSM is suggesting that one in every ten people who’s had “Omicron” ends up with “long COVID,” which nowadays seems to be the establishment term to describe all chronic illness, as well as […]
It is Time to Declare Our Independence from the Vaccinators

Barbara Loe Fisher … The most vocal proponents of forced vaccination have always filled the ranks of professions that require possession of an advanced academic degree – such as an M.D., Ph.D., J.D. – or other honorific title that automatically confers an elevated status in society with all the respect, economic and social class benefits […]
Did Side Effects from the Covid Shots Cause Any Excess Mortality?

PANDA To put this into perspective, the global average IFR of Covid for everyone under 70 had been determined to be about 0.07%.Despite the fact that all-cause mortality figures avoid the bias of how a death was classified, determining vaccine fatalities from excess deaths is not as simple as it might sound. In the first […]
Annual All-Cause Mortality Rate in Germany and Japan (2005-2022) With Focus on The Covid-19 Pandemic: Hypotheses and Trend Analyses

Hagen Scherb and Keiji Hayashi … the official fear-mongering forecasts and the allegedly confirmed high death toll in 2020 from Covid-19 in high income countries did not come true, neither in Japan nor in Germany. Based on early investigations in 2020 and 2021, however, great damage was not to be expected. Therefore, it should be […]
There Was No Pandemic

Denis G. Rancourt All-cause mortality by time (day, week, month, year, period), by jurisdiction (country, state, province, county), and by individual characteristics of the deceased (age, sex, race, living accomodations) is the most reliable data for detecting and epidemiologically characterizing events causing death, and for gauging the population-level impact of any surge or collapse in […]
Canadian Government Knew About COVID Vaccine Injuries and Deaths, Was Advised to Keep Quiet

Lioness of Judah Ministry … A secret Privy Council office memo recommended that any COVID vaccine-related injuries or deaths be carefully managed with “winning communication strategies” as to not “shake public confidence,” according to Blacklock’s Reporter. The May 2021 memo released through access-to-Information legislation came five months after the Department of Health licensed the first […]