Trust and Health: Edelman Trust Barometer 2022
2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Team How does trust rank vs. other determinants of health? Does trust in the health ecosystem influence everyday health decisions? Does trust influence personal health outcomes?
The WHO’s Reckless Disregard for Truth
David Bell Public health relies on trust. Advertising relies on twisting the truth, even deceiving people, to persuade them to buy a product they may not need. Trust is maintained by telling the truth, giving others accurate information and sound advice. If inclined, you can change direction, trading on trust that you have built in […]
Better Way Charter
World Council for Health The inaugural Better Way Conference held in May 2022 in Bath, UK, was created to facilitate active discussion with a solutions-driven focus because questioning the science is how you do science. The issues were highlighted and the actions that follow were proposed. The actions inform the Seven Principles of a Better […]
The WHO Review: WHO’s Covid and Monkeypox Policies Fail Every One Of The 10 Public Health Principles
Rhoda Wilson The reality is that WHO, and all those who followed WHO’s Covid policies, failed every one of the 10 principles listed below. For argument’s sake, let’s assume Covid was the emergency they claimed – then it would follow that societies function optimally if they uphold long-standing principles and ethical values that were developed […]
WHO Issues ‘Urgent’ Call to Develop Vaccines for Antibiotic Resistance, As CDC Blames Problem on Pandemic
Suzanne Burdick In a report issued July 12, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said U.S. deaths from antibiotic-resistant bacteria — commonly called “superbugs” — rose 15% in 2020. The 44-page report examined the impact of COVID-19 on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in 2020, when — according to the CDC — drugs were widely dispensed to […]
Pfizer Annual Revenue Doubled – to $81.3 Billion – Thanks to COVID Vaccines
Joseph Mercola The COVID-19 pandemic has been a real boon to Pfizer. Not only has it doubled Pfizer’s annual revenue, but it has also given the drugmaker unique weight in determining U.S. health policy … Pfizer’s COVID jab dominates 70% of the U.S. and European markets, and Paxlovid, its COVID drug, has become a standard […]
No Indication to Support Suggestions of a Marburg Pandemic
World Council for Health The World Council for Health (WCH) is continuously monitoring the emergence of new and old diseases around the world with potential for health concerns. Recent news from Ghana has confirmed two cases of Marburg virus, which were reported by Ghana Health Service on Monday, July 18, 2022. Two people diagnosed with […]
THE 1968-69 “Hong Kong Flu” Pandemic Revisited
Jeffrey A. Tucker It was a very bad year for the flu. The pathogen came in two large waves. This is only obvious in retrospect. At the time, not so much. Life went on as normal. There were gatherings. There were parties. There was travel. There were no masks. Doctors treated the sick. Traditional public […]