What You Are Not Being Told About Outrageous Plans to Give the WHO Power Over Your Life

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Tess Lawrie … You may be aware that the unelected Director General of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has been on social media recently claiming that this new treaty will not affect individual countries’ sovereignty. However, what you are not being told is that in conjunction with the Pandemic Accord, amendments to the International Health […]

COVID-19 Vaccines: Proof of Lethality. Over One Thousand Scientific Studies

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SUN/Global Research Just over 12 months from deployment of the COVID 19 emergency use experimental vaccines, scientific studies in the thousands, and reports of criminal complaints of assault and murder from the illegal, unlawful use of biochemical poisons made to police forces around the country, verify an assault on an unsuspecting UK population. Irrefutable science […]

Wuhan’s “Mystery Illness” is Covid’s Foundational Lie

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Kit Knightly Recently, while researching our updated edition of 40 Facts, I came across this article from Time magazine, one that I had apparently missed when it was first published and that had somehow escaped my notice in the following three Covid-centric years. The article demonstrates how, from the very beginning, the covid narrative was […]

Long Mask: A New Meta-Analysis Quantifies Mask Harms

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Guy Gin In 2021, Kisielinski et al. published a long scoping review called “Is a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of Potential Hazards?” [TL:DR Hell no!] In it, they coined the term Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome (MIES) to collectively describe the numerous and varied […]

The Proposed WHO Instruments for Pandemics and Health Emergencies: A Critical Review

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David Bell The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently developing two international legal instruments intended to increase its authority in managing health emergencies, including pandemics: The draft IHR amendments would lay out new powers for WHO during health emergencies, and broaden the context within which they can be used. The draft CA+ (‘treaty’) is intended […]