The Monkey Business Behind Monkeypox Propaganda

Joseph Mercola As predicted, just as hysteria about COVID-19 is winding down, another “pandemic” is poised to take its place. This time, it’s monkeypox, an infection that just so happens to mimic many of the symptoms of COVID jab-induced shingles — so much so, the Department of Health in Queensland, Australia, used the same photo […]

Hydroxychloroquine: A Morality Tale

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Norman Doidge We live in a culture that has uncritically accepted that every domain of life is political, and that even things we think are not political are so, that all human enterprises are merely power struggles, that even the idea of “truth” is a fantasy, and really a matter of imposing one’s view on […]

Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats

man in white thobe walking on grey and yellow concrete pavement

Results from the 2021 Tabletop Exercise Conducted in Partnership with the Munich Security Conference Jaime M. Yassif, Kevin P. O’Prey, Christopher R. Isaac In March 2021, NTI [Nuclear Threat Initiative] partnered with the Munich Security Conference to conduct a tabletop exercise on reducing high-consequence biological threats. e exercise examined gaps in national and international biosecurity […]

The Corruption of the World Health Organization

Person Holding Terrestrial Globe Scale Model Taken

David Bell ‘Global Health’ is confusing. A few short years ago community participation, disease burden, resource allocation and human rights dominated its decision-making processes. Causes such as improving childhood nutrition, empowering minorities and protecting girls from enslavement and mutilation were acceptable battles to fight. Here we are in 2022: Coercion, exclusion, impoverishment and big business […]

Mandatory Vaccinations, the Segregation of Citizens and Promotion of Inequality in the Modern Democracy of Greece and Other Democratic Countries. Is It Ethical for the Scientific Community to “Enforce” or Silently Back-up Such Policies?

Charalampos Mavridis, Georgios Aidonidis, Athanasios Kalogeridis During the COVID-19 pandemic, Greek authorities enforced a vaccination mandate for healthcare workers (HCWs), and “social occlusion” of the unvaccinated citizens in general. At the same time, multiple concerns have been raised about the epidemiological profile of Greece, the condition of public health, the ethical status of segregation policies […]

WHO Wants to Censor Infodemic “Misinformation” with Pandemic Treaty

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Keean Bexte A World Health Organization White Paper advocating for expanding WHO powers through the pandemic treaty puts tackling “infodemic” COVID “misinformation” at the top of their list. Under the guise of “Community protection,” the WHO writes, “Infodemic of COVID-19 misinformation – often combined with ineffective and inconsistent risk communication and public health messaging – eroded public trust in […]