Masks and Marketing in Medicine

white brassiere on black textile

Pairodocs Whether masks or meds, beware when someone sells it to you by quoting relative risk reduction … A sales pitch that uses RRR is a red flag for scientifically literate docs. Salespeople prefer RRR because it sounds much more impressive than ARR.

Aerosols vs. Droplets

pink and white plastic container on brown wooden table

Pairodocs Why should you care about the difference between an aerosol and a droplet? Because it’s affected your life for the last 2 years. A number of our public health dictats have been partially based on the difference.

Suppressing Scientific Discourse on Vaccines? Self-perceptions of Researchers and Practitioners

Ety Elisha, Josh Guetzkow, Yaffa Shir-Raz, Natti Ronel The controversy over vaccines has recently intensi ed in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, with calls from politicians, health professionals, journalists, and citizens to take harsh measures against so-called “anti-vaxxers,” while accusing them of spreading “fake news” and as such, of endangering public health. However, […]

COVID-19: Why Are We Ignoring Infection-Acquired Immunity?

Sheena Meredith Antibodies derived from natural infection with COVID-19 are more abundant and more potent – at least 10 times more potent – than immunity generated by vaccination alone, according to a study from Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) in Portland, US, published on January 25. Three days later, the US Centres for Disease […]

The Cult & the Sacrifice

herd of sheep on green grass field during daytime

Paul Bali Health by Hypnosis Milgram showed the majority’s extreme deference to a lab master “dressed in a gray technician’s coat”. [1] To the Dubious at the switch labelled DANGER: SEVERE SHOCK, Milgram’s master sternly warned “The Experiment requires you to continue.” Today’s dubious—those hesitant to mask up, to take the jab, to fire good employees—are told […]

What’s Wrong With Being Vaccine-smart?

Kevin Cheung, Laurent Leduc, Claus Rinner When you hear a gunshot, do you hide or do you go check it out? When you visit a destination in a seedy neighbourhood for the first time at night, do you take the longer road with street lights or a shortcut through a dark alley? When you see […]

The Public Health Prophet We Did Not Heed

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Aaron Kheriaty Donald Henderson, who died in 2016, was a giant in the field of epidemiology and public health. He was also a man whose prophetic warnings from 2006 we chose to ignore in March of 2020 … Henderson and his colleagues concluded their review with this overriding principle of good public health: “Experience has […]