Health officials Caught Deploying Fear and Staging Coverup

Joseph Mercola In a March 5, 2023, memorandum, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic laid out evidence showing Dr. Anthony Fauci prompted the creation of a paper to “disprove” the lab leak theory, and that the authors of this paper skewed available evidence to achieve that goal. According to the Subcommittee, while Dr. Jeremy […]

The Forced Medication of All Citizens

Karen Hunt It all started back in the 1950s with “these drugs will make you feel better, just try them.” And people did. Over the years it morphed into “WE RECOMMEND these drugs if you don’t want to be sick, depressed or dead.” Almost everyone listened and accepted that drugs were the answer and there […]

Warp Speed Training of Medical Professionals

Byran W. Bridle A question was raised about how to deal with the burn-out and general shortage of medical professionals. Dr. Kieran Moore, Medical Officer of Health for the province of Ontario, Canada, contributes to the answer starting at 59\32. … Apparently, announcements about how the government will be addressing these issues will be forthcoming. […]

Forgotton “Primum No Nocere” and Increased Mortality after Covid-19 Vaccination

Amrit Sorli et al. The main impetus behind the worldwide Covid-19 vaccination campaign in 2021 was to reduce the mortality attributed to SARS-CoV-2 infection in the preceding year. Never- theless, rigorous analyses of the mortality benefits conferred by this massive vaccination effort have been lacking. Statistics offers us an essential methodological approach for measuring the […]