Paper for a Parliamentary Peer, So Far Unactioned
Tess Lawrie So many of us have duly presented such evidence to those with the power to influence policy. I recently received this remarkable paper, based on correspondence by someone who is related to a number of members of the UK’s House of Lords. In it, the relation explains, point by salient point, why she […]
Those Who Chose Shaming Over Science
Gabrielle Bauer For the first 62 years of my life, I don’t recall anyone calling me a selfish idiot, much less a sociopath or a mouth-breathing Trumptard. All that changed when Covid rolled in and I expressed, ever so gingerly, a few concerns about the lockdown policies. … From the earliest days of the pandemic, […]
Pandemicism and the Foreknowledge of the Virus Planners
eugyppius Aspects of pandemicism are as old as 1918, but the proximate origins of this mind virus are much more recent. Tellingly, they don’t lie with any kind of pandemic at all, but rather with the WHO campaign to eradicate smallpox. This started in 1967, and it took ten years to complete. Any institutionalised enterprise […]
Ten Principles of Public Health That Could Save Society
David Bell 1. All public health advice should consider the impact on overall health, rather than solely be concerned with a single disease. It should always consider both benefits and harms from public health measures and weigh short-term gains against long-term harms. 2. Public health is about everyone. Any public health policy must first and […]
UHC2030: The United Nations’ Global Public-Private Partnership For Healthcare
Iain Davis In the first part of this series, we looked at the United Nation’s UN’s) Sustainable Development agenda. Contrary to most people’s perception of Sustainable Development Goals SDGs), this agenda has little to do with environmentalism or reducing CO2 emissions. Instead, it is a mechanism for introducing global governance and particularly global financial governance […]
Shocking Investigation Discovers a World-Wide Shadow Government has Infiltrated “Elected” Governments & Public Health Institutions & Built a Global Vaccine Regime
Rhoda Wilson The same organisations that have an interest in vaccinations today also had a lot of influence in laying the groundwork decades ago. People tend to think of these large and well-known organisations – such as Rockefeller Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF; CDC, GAVI, USAID, the World Bank – as independent of […]
Plausibility But Not Science Has Dominated Public Discussions of the Covid Pandemic
Harvey Risch Science is the performance of empirical or observational work to obtain evidence confirming or refuting theories. … theories tend to be plausible statements describing something specific about how nature operates. Plausibility is in the eye of the beholder, since what is plausible to a technically knowledgeable expert may not be plausible to a […]
Feds Purchased Hundreds of Millions of COVID-19 Vaccines Prior to Health Canada Approval
Sheila Gunn Reid By my estimation, the federal government now has or had purchased orders for nearly 600 million doses of vaccine, with approximately 373 million of those doses purchased in advance of Health Canada approval. … For Moderna Spikevax, the date the initial agreement was publicly announced was November 16, 2020. The number of […]