Why Are COVID Patients Treated With an HIV Pill?

Joseph Mercola July 25, 2022, Chinese officials granted conditional approval to Azvudine, an HIV drug, to be used as a COVID treatment. Use of the HIV drug has reignited interest in early evidence suggesting SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon augmented with parts of the HIV virus. … Several scenarios are now converging to create the suspicion […]
How Spike Protein Causes Mitochondria Damage

Conway Judge An important discussion by DrBeen and some new studies have just come to light showing how spike protein is able to damage mitochondrial DNA and thus disrupt cell processes and health, which will ultimately have systemic effects on overall health and wellbeing. … if mitochondria are damaged within a cell and that cell […]
Persistent Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Spike is Associated with Post-acute COVID-19 Sequelae

Zoe Swank, Yasmeen Senussi, Galit Alter, David R. Walt The diagnosis and management of post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) poses anongoing medical challenge … [T]emporal antigen profiles for many patients show thepresence of spike at multiple time points over several months, highlighting the potentialutility of the SARS-CoV-2 full spike protein as a biomarker for PASC. […]
What Has Changed Regarding Asymptomatic Spread?

Clare Craig The concept of asymptomatic transmission formed the foundation for the belief that lockdown was necessary and might work and for mask wearing and amplified the atmosphere of fear with the idea that anyone could be a threat. … At the time it was possible to conclude that the global evidence of transmission from […]
Debunking the Nonsense: A Presentation Covering the Fallacious Reasoning, Misinterpretations, and Pseudoscience of Virology

Alec Zeck, Jacob Diaz, Jordan Grant, Mike Donio, Mike Stone … The lockdowns, the social distancing, the masking, the experimental vaccines, the mandates, the business closures, the job loss, the severe depression, the economic impact, the censorship, the centralization of power, the increased government control, the segregation, the discrimination, the harmful hospital protocols, the unnecessary […]
Gut Microbiome May Help or Hinder Defenses Against SARS-CoV-2

Bianca Nogrady When SARS-CoV-2 first began rampaging around the world, it was thought to primarily affect the respiratory system. It soon became clear that the virus had more far-reaching effects, including on the gastrointestinal system and its bacterial symbionts. One early study suggested that nearly 20 percent of patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection had gastrointestinal symptoms. That […]
“Settling The Virus Debate” Statement

Tom Cowan et al. It has been more than two years since the onset of the “corona” crisis, which changed the trajectory of our world. The fundamental tenet of this crisis is that a deadly and novel “virus”, SARS-CoV-2, has spread around the world and negatively impacted large segments of humanity. Central to this tenet […]
Novavax – Hope or Hype?

Robyn Chuter … the Novavax vaccine is “being subtly pushed by doctors to get the people who for various reasons did not want the usual culprit vaccines [i.e. the mRNA and viral vector injections, which many resisted due to concerns about novel technologies and adverse reactions] but who may be persuaded that this one is […]