Food Synergy: An Operational Concept for Understanding Nutrition

David R. Jacobs Jr., Myron D. Gross and Linda C. Tapsell Research and practice in nutrition relate to food and its constituents, often as supplements. In food, however, the biological constituents are coordinated. We propose that ‘‘thinking food first’’ results in more effective nutrition research and policy. The concept of food synergy provides the necessary […]
The Role of Dietary Fat in Child Nutrition and Development: Summary of an ASNA Workshop

John A. Milner, Richard G. Allison The role of dietary fat in the growth, development and long-term health of children was explored from metabolic, genetic, dietary and behavioral perspectives at a workshop held September 17–18, 1997, at the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD. The workshop focused on metabolic, genetic, behavioral and […]
One Hundred Years of Diet-Heart Research: Good Science, Junk Science and Honest Mistakes

Paul B. Addis, Martin Grootveld … The extreme focus on dietary saturated fat and cholesterol as hazardous malefactor molecules, and replacement of the former with carbohydrates, has been detrimental to human health. … We now recognize that the cholesterol-heart disease hypothesis was based on data obtained initiallyon severely flawed experiments. All indications are that ‘pure’, […]