The Healing Benefits of Vibration

Laurie Buchanan The human body is sustained by life force energy. Vibrational Therapy is based on the subtle energy principles and interventions involving the dimensions of the body, mind, and spirit. The laws governing quantum physics demonstrate that everything in the universe is made up of vibrational fields — the human body is no exception. […]
A New Tuning Fork with Different Vibration Frequencies as an Aid to Bronchopulmonary Hygiene Physiotherapy

José Roberto de Alcântara Background: The main function of the mucociliary system is the removal of particles or substances that are potentially harmful to the respiratory tract. The tuning fork therapeutic for the purpose of bronchial hygiene has still not been described in the literature. The optimal vibration frequency to mobilize secretions is widely debated […]
The Tuning Fork and the “Soundtherapy”

Daniele Masala and Valentina Merolle The knowledge of the magic effect of the 440 Hz is really ancient. “The music cannot improve without science”. Pronounced fifty years ago, nowadays this sentence appears almost obvious. John Pierce, the pioneer of musical electronic, well explains the meaning of this sentence The “sound therapy” stimulates the capacity of […]