Vaccine-injured Canadian Politician Says Doctors Are Being Prevented From Criticizing COVID

LifeSiteNews In an exclusive interview with the Western Standard, vaccine-injured Alberta MLA Shane Clayton Getson said the medical community is suppressing doctors who speak out about the array of injuries caused by the COVID jabs.   “The Royal College of Physicians has driven those doctors [who speak out about vaccine injuries] underground, quite frankly, and their messages are not […]

CDC (Quietly) Removes A Massive Claim on Vaccine Safety

el gato malo … the CDC just dramatically changed their claims about mRNA vaccine safety … this is a BIG deal as a large part of the safety claim around these drugs was initially predicated on the ideas that they remained localized around the injection site. they were rapidly cleared by the body and did […]

Read the Fine Print, Part Two – Nearly 400 Adverse Reactions Listed in Vaccine Package Inserts

The Children’s Health Defense Team The inserts communicate the information about adverse reactions in two distinct sections: “Clinical trials experience” (Section 6.1) and “Data from postmarketing experience” from the U.S. or other countries (Section 6.2). In April, 2020, Children’s Health Defense summarized the postmarketing data2 for over three dozen vaccines given routinely to American infants, […]

Alarming New Report from Working Group of Vaccine Analysis in Germany and Other Countries

Ana Maria Mihalcea The COVID-19 vaccination programs must be stopped immediately The German Working Group for COVID Vaccine Analysis has made its initial findings publicly available in a wide-ranging report: 1. Toxic substances were found in all of the samples of COVID-19 vaccines – without exception.  2. The blood samples of all the people who […]

Inventing Diagnoses to Cover Up Vaccine Injury – a Con as Old as Vaccination Itself

CHD Team The shot pushers and their media enablers have taken cover-up tactics to absurd new heights by, for example, chalking up the rash of fatal heart attacks and overnight deaths in athletes and young adults to a fluky condition referred to variously as “sudden adult death syndrome” or “sudden arrhythmic death syndrome” (SADS). What […]

29,635 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to VAERS, as CDC Adds Novavax to the Mix

Megan Redshaw The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,350,950 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 15, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That’s an increase of 9,342 adverse events over the previous week. … The German Federal […]