Paper for a Parliamentary Peer, So Far Unactioned

Tess Lawrie So many of us have duly presented such evidence to those with the power to influence policy. I recently received this remarkable paper, based on correspondence by someone who is related to a number of members of the UK’s House of Lords. In it, the relation explains, point by salient point, why she […]
PEG Supposedly A Harmless Ingredient

Lucy Crisetig Polyethylene Glycol, also goes by the names of PEG, Macrogol, Carbowax and many other names when combined with other substances. During trials, pharmaceutical companies knew anaphylaxis could be a problem, yet it wasn’t until after implementation of the vaccination programs when reports of anaphylactic incidents began to emerge. … PEGs are also used […]
mRNA Vaccines and COVID Linked to POTS, a Debilitating Condition Affecting Heart, Other Organs

The Defender Staff According to a study published Monday in Nature Cardiovascular Research, COVID-19 and mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are linked to postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), a debilitating autonomic nervous system disorder. POTS symptoms include an elevated heart rate, dizziness, heart palpitations, fainting, lightheadedness, headaches, chest pain, brain fog, anxiety, depression and fatigue, among others. Comparing POTS […]
Is Immunity Debt Real, or Should You Keep Kids in a Bubble?

Joseph Mercola Children who aren’t exposed to germs on a regular basis have different microbiomes than those who are. The microbiome, in turn, plays a decisive role in how well one’s immune system works. Exposure to nonpathogenic microorganisms helps prevent immune-mediated chronic disorders, as they act as immunomodulatory signaling agents. They basically train your immune […]
New Autopsy Report Reveals Those Who Died Suddenly Were Likely Killed by the Covid Vaccine

Will Jones A major new autopsy report has found that three people who died unexpectedly at home with no pre-existing disease shortly after Covid vaccination were likely killed by the vaccine. A further two deaths were found to be possibly due to the vaccine. … the authors limited themselves to deaths where there was no […]
DNA is the Constitution of Life and They are Destroying it with Gene-Based Injections

Guy Hatchard … life already has a constitution, a sort of Cosmic Constitution – our DNA. DNA contains the miracle set of intelligent instructions which ensure that the second law of thermodynamics – the law of universal decay – is not just circumvented, but actually reversed to become a law of evolution. The myriad of […]
Autopsies Confirm: Covid-19 Vaccine Causes Fatal Heart Inflammation or “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”

Lance D. Johnson Medical examiners from Germany conducted autopsies on thirty-five individuals who died within twenty days after taking a second dose of the covid-19 mRNA vaccine (Comirnaty & Spikevax). They concluded that ten of the fatalities were clearly not due to the vaccine, due to evidence of drug overdose. The majority of the fatalities […]
COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters for Young Adults: A Risk Benefit Assessment and Ethical Analysis of Mandate Policies at Universities

Kevin Bardosh et al. In 2022, students at North American universities with third-dose COVID-19 vaccine mandates risk disenrolment if unvaccinated. To assess the appropriateness of booster mandates in this age group, we combine empirical risk-bene t assessment and ethical analysis. To prevent one COVID-19 hospitalisation over a 6-month period, we estimate that 31 207–42 836 […]