Autopsy-based Histopathological Characterization of Myocarditis after Anti-SARS-CoV2-Vaccination

Constatin Schwab et al. Cases of myocarditis, diagnosed clinically by laboratory tests and imaging have been described in the context of mRNA-based anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Autopsy-based description of detailed histological features of vaccine-induced myocarditis is lacking. We describe the autopsy findings and common characteristics of myocarditis in untreated persons who received anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Standardized autopsies were […]
Current State of Knowledge on the Excretion of mRNA and Spike Produced by anti-COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Possibility of Contamination of the Entourage of Those Vaccinated by these Products

Helene Banoun The massive COVID-19 vaccination campaign is the first time that mRNA vaccines have been used on a global scale. The mRNA vaccines correspond exactly to the definition of gene therapy of the American and European regulatory agencies. The regulations require excretion studies of these drugs and their products (the translated proteins). These studies […]
Effect of Covid 19 “Vaccines” on Bone Malformation in Babies

Craig Paardekooper An FOIA request by Judicial Watch led to the disclosure of the reproductive toxicology studies carried out by both Moderna and Pfizer. Reproductive toxicology studies are required to be carried out in at least 2 species before a drug can be given to men or women of reproductive potential. Moderna and Pfizer each […]
Vaccines: Gateway Drug by Design

Kristina Kristen … We live in a world where pharma-backed, government sanctioned, medical mandates in the form of liability-free vaccines with known serious potential adverse effects are forced repeatedly in greater numbers (70 doses of 16 vaccines by age 18) onto our most vulnerable and voiceless populations—with a disastrous outcome of life-altering iatrogenic illnesses, artificially […]
Shocking Investigation Discovers a World-Wide Shadow Government has Infiltrated “Elected” Governments & Public Health Institutions & Built a Global Vaccine Regime

Rhoda Wilson The same organisations that have an interest in vaccinations today also had a lot of influence in laying the groundwork decades ago. People tend to think of these large and well-known organisations – such as Rockefeller Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF; CDC, GAVI, USAID, the World Bank – as independent of […]
Feds Purchased Hundreds of Millions of COVID-19 Vaccines Prior to Health Canada Approval

Sheila Gunn Reid By my estimation, the federal government now has or had purchased orders for nearly 600 million doses of vaccine, with approximately 373 million of those doses purchased in advance of Health Canada approval. … For Moderna Spikevax, the date the initial agreement was publicly announced was November 16, 2020. The number of […]
The Spike Protein eBook All previous outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics end when Community Immunity, NOT the discredited “Herd Immunity”, renders the majority of us immunologically able to handle contact with the pathogen instead of succumbing to it. The destructive and illogical measures brought in to support the Declared Pandemic, now into the second year, the counterproductive masking, social […]
How Vaccines Drive Covid Variants

Amanuensis Variants have been one of the hallmarks of this pandemic, with ever more infectious forms of the virus apparently mutating themselves into existence at regular intervals. … At the point that it was clear the vaccines weren’t sterilising, the theory behind what might be the ‘correct’ level of vaccination changes completely. With non-sterilising vaccines, […]