Can New Onset Psychosis Occur After mRNA Based COVID-19 Vaccine Administration? A Case Report

Samuel Reinfeld et al. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a deleterious impact on mental health at multiple levels. Fear of infection, stress related to social isolation, work, financial or family loss can lead to mood symptoms, anxiety or substance abuse. COVID-19 infection is associated with a host of neuropsychiatric symptoms, including psychosis, even in […]

A Canadian Perspective on How to Reduce Spike Protein

Bill Code Excess spike proteins originate from several different sources. These include infection with SARS Cov-1, MERS And SARS Cov-2 which is also called COVID-19. In addition, all four of the gene therapy injections from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson also include the production of spike protein. In fact, Novavax also causes spike […]

Demand for Unvaccinated Blood Soaring

person on chair donating blood

Dr Panda Demand for unvaccinated blood is surging worldwide. Bacteria, viruses, prions, and parasites can be transmitted by blood transfusions likewise people vaccinated with the mRNA vaccine have the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in their blood. The spike protein (travels the entire body) caused by the COVID-19 vaccination last for months (potentially permanently in the body […]

How ‘One Health’ Could Become A Global One Health Disaster

Man feeding Cows

Byram W. Bridle … Global experimentation on the public has revealed key problems with mRNA ‘vaccines’ that public health officials decided were not best studied prior their rollout. … The concept of ‘one health’ is that the health of people, animals, and the environment are interlinked and interdependent. The health of one can potentially impact […]

What is Causing the Blood Clots from “Died Suddenly?”

A Midwestern Doctor Because these fibrous clots are so unusual they have understandably provoked a great deal of confusion and uncertainty which has led many to grasp for rather unusual explanations over what is occurring. In situations like these, I believe that if a simple and comprehensive explanation can be identified, that represents the best […]