Dissolving the C19 Technological Weapon – Detoxifying Graphene and Heavy Metals Components

Ana Maria Mihalcea Many people talk about the C19 injectables as a bioweapon. It has been shown that it is also a technological weapon with self assembly structures … We know the shots contain toxic metals like Aluminum, Cesium, Cobalt, Titanium, Gadolinium, Iron Oxide, Carbon Species and more. We really do not know what is […]
EDTA Chelation Dissolves the Artificial Intelligence Magnetic Hydrogel Weapon

Ana Maria Mihalcea I have been advocating for months that EDTA Chelation as a treatment solution for the C19 injected, as it effectively removes metals, and can detoxify the body even from Graphene. As a certified Chelation practitioner, it is evident to me that EDTA is needed for the environmental bombardment of this AI parasitic […]
A Dangerous Inactive Ingredient

Harld R. Gielow Consumers often have the need to check a product’s ingredients and this is especially true for those with allergies to certain substances. Such access to product information is essential for individuals to protect themselves from harm by exposure to ingredients to which they have known sensitivities. For the most part, such labeling […]
Summary of the Spike Protein Protocol – David Avocado Wolf

David Avocado Wolf This is the updated Nutrition protocol to protect those who’ve been injected with spike protein, graphene oxide and mRNA and the same protocol is useful to protect those concerned with the spike protein and graphene oxide shedding (transmission) coming off those who’ve been injected. We now have evidence of the latest injections […]
Graphene Oxide Detox Protocols for the Vaxxed and Unvaxxed

Ariyana Love There are many people now experiencing jabbers remorse and want to know what they can do to detoxify Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles and the gain-of-function, chimeric spike protein they were injected with. Meanwhile, the unvaxxed are experiencing Adverse Events and magnetism due to transmission. This article contains all the known safe and effective detox protocols that […]
I-RECOVER Post-vaccine Treatment Protocol

FLCCC Alliance Updated Sept 6, 2022 (version 4)
The Lethal Dangers of the Billion-dollar Vaccine Business with Government Approval … Safer Stuff is Available. Here’s Why You Haven’t Been Getting It

Andrea Rock When federal health officials and pediatricians refrain from warning the public about risks out of fear that parents will stop immunizing their children, they insult parents’ intelligence and endanger the public’s health. Parents deserve the facts so they can make informed choices. Geneticist and former NIH researcher Mark Geier says that when he […]
Vaccine-Triggered Acute Autoimmune Myocarditis: Defining, Detecting, and Managing an Apparently Novel Condition

Saidi A. Mohiddin et al. Among the seemingly endless “unknown- unknowns” that the COVID era has foisted on policy makers, public health, health care providers, researchers, and the public is the apparently novel cardiac disease identified in this issue of the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA) as ”myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination,” elsewhere as […]