Elementary, my Dear Watson: Why mRNA Vaccines are a Very Bad Idea

Michael Palmer and Sucharit Bhakdi Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines have caused injury and death on an unprecedented scale. This short article explains from first principles why adverse events must be expected not just after the first injection of such a vaccine but after each booster shot as well. The argument is not limited […]

Bio-structures in Blood Vessels: People are Already Dying Post-Covid Vaccination but Hundreds of Thousands More Will Die unless We Find a Solution Now

Rhoda Wilson In the final segment of the Infowars Show on 23 August 2022, Mike Adams shared laboratory results regarding the composition of post-vaccine clots as well as the composition of one of the Covid “vaccines” which includes trace amounts of industrial metals and elements. … Adams conducted inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (“ICP-MS”) on […]

Excess Mortality and Elevated Cancer Rates Likely to Get Worse

Igor Chudov This article will attempt to show that excess deaths, seen in statistics of many highly-vaccinated countries, are only beginning to show up and are likely to get worse over time. … The news media is almost completely mum about it, as well. According to official statistics, excess mortality in many highly vaccinated countries […]

Moderna Sues BioNTech/Pfizer?

Robert W. Malone Before I could even get one cup of coffee down the hatch this morning, I was hit with a barrage of emails, texts, and phone calls asking me for quotes concerning the press release issued by Moderna regarding their decision to sue BioNTech/Pfizer for patent infringement relating to the insanely profitable SARS-CoV-2 […]