Age and Sex-specific Risks of Myocarditis and Pericarditis Following Covid-19 Messenger RNA Vaccines

Stéphane Le Vu et al. Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have been reported following the receipt of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines. As vaccination campaigns are still to be extended, we aimed to provide a comprehensive assessment of the association, by vaccine and across sex and age groups. Using nationwide hospital discharge and vaccine data, we analysed […]
ResearchGate Pulls Control Group Survey Preprint

World Council for Health A new analysis of survey data by the Control Group project, reveals how over 300,000 people from around the world have fared without taking a Covid-19 vaccine. Nine days after the survey report was uploaded, ResearchGate removed it citing a breach of their terms and conditions.
Comparing SARS-CoV-2 Natural Immunity to Vaccine-induced Immunity: Reinfections verses Breakthrough Infections

Sivan Gazit et al. Reports of waning vaccine-induced immunity against COVID-19 have begun to surface. With that, the comparable long-term protection conferred by previous infection with SARS-CoV-2 remains unclear. … This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, […]
What Now? Recovering from a Tragic Mistake

J.E. Lukach A covid vaccine injury protocol (second edition) This book is dedicated to all the victims of this massive deception – those who died too soon, too suddenly, too senselessly, whether young or old, not because they sought to do harm, but because they strived to do good – for themselves, for their families […]
Lipid Nanoparticles, mRNA, PEG Assault Natural Conception, Gestation, and Birth

Peter McCullough … The COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers with the US FDA excluded pregnant women and women of childbearing potential from being studied in randomized trials because of maternal-fetal risks with lipid nanoparticles, mRNA, and PEG. It is strict regulatory practice, that when a group is excluded from the registrational randomized trials of a new product, […]
The History of Population Control is Important for Understanding COVID-19

A Midwestern doctor There is a past precedent of using experimental vaccinations for sterilization. … In our current era, the labor value of individual human beings has been significantly decreased by modern technology (particularly in the recent times with AI and Robotics). From many publications I’ve read, it appears that the Oligarchy now holds the […]
Symptom Laundering …

Jessica Rose As time progresses, it will become impossible to hide the adverse events, both acute and delayed, induced by the COVID-19 injectable products. They are just too prolific. I say this with a lot of confidence. There are 14,330 different MedDRA codes reported in VAERS as of June 24, 2022 in the context of […]
Covid Vaccines and Fertility

Swiss Policy Research … data from both Germany and Switzerland does show a substantial 10% to 15% monthly decrease in live births from January 2022 to at least April 2022. This decrease could be due to lockdown effects or biological effects, including covid infections or covid vaccinations that began nine months earlier. Health authorities and […]