The Vaccine Death Report

David John Sorensen, Vladimir Zelenko The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred, after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide. We aim to only […]

Safeguarding Children and Young People During the Covid-Pandemic

The White Rose Serious_Raising_of_Safeguarding_Concerns_Sept_V2 Emergency Raising of Serious Concerns are as a result of the proven risks of serious and irreversible harm of health to children and young people carrying out any one of the three key procedures outlined in this document. This document serves the emergency raising of serious Safeguarding concerns for each procedure […]

End the Covid Fraud and Global Genocide

The White Rose Many people, including children, are experiencing serious adverse reactions or have died after receiving the covid jab. Many more will die in the coming months and years. The covid fraud is causing a global genocide. This needs to end!

The Immunological Rationale Against C-19 Vaccination of Children

four boy playing ball on green grass

Geert Vanden Bossche When a deep understanding of immunology, virology, vaccinology, evolutionary biology, and molecular biology is applied to analysis of whether children should receive current vaccines against COVID-19 (C-19), it is concluded that recommendation of such vaccination is scientifically unsound and that such vaccination is harmful to individual children, children as a group, and […]

COVID-19 and the Surge in Decidual Cast Shedding

grayscale photo of sleeping woman lying on bed

Tiffany Parotto, James A. Thorp, Brian Hooker, Paul J. Mills, Jill Newman, Leonard Murphy, Warren Geick, Dan McDyer, Raphael B. Stricker, Sue Peters, Maureen McDonnell, Heather Ray, Christiane Northrup In the survey, 292 women (4.83 % of the sample) reported having experienced DCS. The mean age of these predominantly non-Hispanic white women was 36.1 ± […]