How Vaccines Drive Covid Variants
Amanuensis Variants have been one of the hallmarks of this pandemic, with ever more infectious forms of the virus apparently mutating themselves into existence at regular intervals. … At the point that it was clear the vaccines weren’t sterilising, the theory behind what might be the ‘correct’ level of vaccination changes completely. With non-sterilising vaccines, […]
Omicron Subvariants Escape Antibodies Elicited by Vaccination and BA.2.2 Infection
Lin Yao et al. The BA.1, BA.2, and BA.3 omicron subvariants of SARS-CoV-2 showed similar but substantial resistance to vaccine-induced and infection-induced serum neutralising activity.
CDC Admits Once and For All It Has No Basis for Its Claim That COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not Cause Variants
Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) ICAN, through its attorneys, has now asked the CDC to support its claim that COVID-19 vaccines are not causing variants in every way possible … and we just received a third and final response from the CDC quoted in the chart below. Â This chart makes it crystal clear that the […]