How a Vegetarian Eating Plan Could Affect a Pregnancy
Joseph Mercola Heart & Soil, a company founded by Dr. Paul Saladino to help people return to the way our ancestors ate, produced a 20-minute video discussing the health bene ts of eating an animal-based diet when women are pregnant or want to become pregnant. Returning to the nutritional roots of eating fewer carbohydrates, no […]
Key Diet and Lifestyle Strategies for a Healthier Life
Joseph Mercola Avoiding industrial seed oils, due to their high linoleic acid (LA) content, can go a long way toward safeguarding your health. Examples of cooking oils to avoid include canola, corn, rapeseed, cottonseed and soybean oil. As a general rule, anything over 10 grams of LA a day is likely to cause problems. For […]
Vegetarianism and Nutrient Deficiencies
Christopher Masterjohn Not all vegetarians develop overt health problems in such a short length of time from abandoning animal foods and some—especially those who eat eggs, milk, or occasional fish and shell sh—may maintain good health for decades. A strictly vegetarian diet, however, clearly lacks nutritional qualities that an omnivorous diet possesses. If the people […]