Cancer – It’s Not What We’re Told: Part 1

Dawn Lester & David Parker … As we have shown in many previous articles, there is no evidence that any so-called ‘virus’ causes any disease, and this includes cancer. More importantly, the particles referred to as ‘viruses’ cannot possibly cause cancer, because so-called ‘infections’ are said to involve the death of cells, whereas cancer is […]
The Human “Virome”

Mike Stone … When most people think of “viruses,” they think of invisible floating invaders from outside which find a way to inhabit the body taking over host cells and multiplying out of control until disease occurs. They are under the false assumption that what are referred to as “viruses” do not belong to our […]
A Common Sense Approach to Respiratory Viruses – Part 2

Christof Plothe Health-promoting suggestions for the common cold, influenza, RSV, coronaviruses, and more. Link to Part 1:
Disease Madness – What is Happening? Part 2

Dawn Lester The ‘outbreaks’ that are claimed to have occurred during June 2022 were listed in Disease Madness part 1, with the addition of 2 ‘situation updates’, one of which relates to Ebola, which is discussed later in this article. The main reason for providing this list of ‘outbreaks’ is to highlight that, contrary to many […]
Zoonoses Likely to be Used in Bioterrorism

C. Patrick Ryan Bioterrorism is the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, or other agents used to cause illness or death in people, animals, or plants. Only modest microbiologic skills are needed to produce and effectively use biologic weapons. And biological warfare has afflicted campaigns throughout military history, at times playing an important role in determining […]
Scientists Have Recreated World’s Deadliest Flu Virus
Joseph Mercola Scientists in the U.S. and Canada have resurrected the Spanish flu virus through reverse genetics. Not surprisingly, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) are involved. The scientists appear frustrated by the fact that their reverse engineered Spanish flu virus — even […]
Can Seriously Ill Patients Heal Without Drugs? – John Lauritsen’s Last Major Interview

Torsten Engelbrech It’s possibly Lauritsen’s last major interview — and it addresses an issue that not only has probably never been discussed in such detail and with such focus before, but is also precisely what is of burning interest to those affected: how can sick and seriously ill patients in particular succeed in taking a […]