WHO Updates Critical Medicines List for Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies

World Health Organization The World Health Organization (WHO) today updated its list of medicines that should be stockpiled for radiological and nuclear emergencies, along with policy advice for their appropriate management. These stockpiles include medicines that either prevent or reduce exposure to radiation, or treat injuries once exposure has occurred. “In radiation emergencies, people may […]
Who Is Watching the World Health Organization?

Travis Noakes A major concern is that this agenda lacks earnest discussion on where health authorities’ own choices and guidelines contribute to ‘misinformation’, ‘disinformation’ and even ‘malinformation’. Rushed guidance based on weak evidence from international health organisations can perpetuate rather than ameliorate negative health and other societal outcomes. Furthermore, if health authorities’ choices are not […]
Pandemic History, Adjusted for Financial Return

David Bell The rapidly-growing pandemic preparedness industry is dominating global public health and proving increasingly lucrative. To support this agenda, numerous white papers are emerging, sponsored by such institutions as the World Bank, G7, G20 and World Health Organization that insist that pandemics are increasing in frequency and impact. A glance at global burden of […]
Secret Negotiations

James Roguski For five (5) days, from Monday January 9, 2023 to Friday January 13, 2023, the super-secret International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC) will be conducting face-to-face meetings in Geneva, Switzerland. The purpose of these meetings will be to finalize their report regarding the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations. The work done […]
Pandemic Preparedness: The New Parasite

David Bell “The frequency and impact of pandemic-prone pathogens are increasing. Modest investments in PPR capacities can prevent and contain disease outbreaks, thereby drastically reducing the cost of response” So begins a recent joint paper from the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), written for the 2022 meeting of the G20. The paper […]
Catastrophic Contagion

James Roguski This is a “fictional scenario” that was conducted on October 23, 2022. It was run by the people who brought you Event 201. PLEASE REALIZE that Article 12 of the “Conceptual Zero Draft” of the WHO’s proposed “Pandemic Treaty” (potentially, a legally binding international agreement) calls for nations to conduct simulation exercises such […]
Pandemicism and the Foreknowledge of the Virus Planners
eugyppius Aspects of pandemicism are as old as 1918, but the proximate origins of this mind virus are much more recent. Tellingly, they don’t lie with any kind of pandemic at all, but rather with the WHO campaign to eradicate smallpox. This started in 1967, and it took ten years to complete. Any institutionalised enterprise […]
Good for Business: The Lancet COVID-19 Commission Report

David Bell The Lancet recently released its long-awaited COVID-19 commission report. The report well reflects the current state of public health science and addresses the business needs of the Lancet. It may have been naïve to expect more than that, but health is an important area and should be taken more seriously. The level of […]