A Winding Tale of the WHO, Monkeypox, Jeffrey Sachs’ Turnaround, and One Health

Meryl Nass The US state department drafted a dozen AMENDMENTS to an existing international health treaty that had been adopted in 2005, termed the International Health Regulations (IHR). These US-drafted amendments would enable the WHO to assume control over the pandemic response to future pandemics on a worldwide basis … Concurrent with the presentation of […]
Your Opinion is Requested

James Roguski The WHO has broken its promise to hold a public comment session regarding their proposed pandemic treaty.
The Loss of Trust Is Well Earned

Jeffrey A. Tucker Society is broken at many levels, and the economy too. We face a mental health crisis among young people following two years of unprecedented educational and social disruption. The highest inflation in most people’s lifetimes has people nearly panicked about the future, and that combines with strange and unpredictable shortages. And we […]
Ivermectin Beats Out 9 Other Meds for Treating Omicron, Study Confirms

Joseph Mercola The censorship and suppression of information has hobbled early treatment of COVID-19 in many western nations. Through 2020, public health experts and the mainstream media warned against the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Both are on the World Health Organization’s list of essential drugs, but the benefits have been ignored by public health officials and buried by the media.
Association of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis with mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines: A Disproportionality Analysis of the World Health Organization Pharmacovigilance Database

Jin Park, Moo-Seok Park, Hyung Jun Kim, Tae-Jin Song Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT), a rare thrombotic event that can cause serious neurologic deficits, has been reported after some ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccinations against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, there are few reports of associations between COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and CVT. We retrospectively analyzed CVT occurrence, time […]
What the Actual WHO is Going On?

Shabnam Palesa Mohamed … A new and not shocking development has occurred with regards to the public participation process on the #PandemicAccord. Despite promising a hearing June 16th and 17th, like we had in April (again, only due to powerful global activism/advocacy), WHO has again broken its commitment to the people, and intends on drafting the #PandemicAccord without a second round […]

James Roguski The Biden Administration suffered an absolutely STUNNING DEFEAT in their attempt to amend the International Health Regulations against the will of “We the People” … The events that occurred in “COMMITTEE A” during the 75th World Health Assembly were filled with intrigue and conflict that was masked by diplomatic politeness..
Yikes: The Brave New World of Genetically Modified People

Tessa Lena This story is about the hubris of conquest and genetic modification. Let’s start with the ugly. The richest people of the world, as well as their loyal servants from the World Economic Forum, are on the Genetic Modi cation team. According to the World Economic Forum, “the evolution of gene testing and gene […]