Autoimmune Diseases in Chinese Medicine – Part 2
Giovanni Maciocia Obviously there is no theory of “autoimmune” diseases in Chinese medicine. However, by analyzing the nature of autoimmunity and of the Chinese correspondent of the immune system (which I shall call “defence system”) , we can formulate certain theories. In my opinion, autoimmunity implies seven aspects from a Chinese perspective which set it […]
The Yin and Yang of Cod Liver Oil
Leslie McGee My training is in Chinese medicine, and although cod liver oil has its roots in Scandinavia, we can look at any food or supplement through the prism of Chinese medicine theory. As I have learned more about the research on cod liver oil, its traditional uses, and my own clinical experience, I have […]
Living According to the Winter Season with Chinese Medicine
Emma Suttie Winter represents the most Yin aspect in Chinese medicine. Yin is the dark, cold, slow, inward energy. This is compared to the Yang of summer whose energy represents light, hot, quick, expansive qualities. The summer weather is warm, the days are longer and people are out being active. In TCM we believe that […]