The Human “Virome”

Mike Stone

… When most people think of “viruses,” they think of invisible floating invaders from outside which find a way to inhabit the body taking over host cells and multiplying out of control until disease occurs. They are under the false assumption that what are referred to as “viruses” do not belong to our own bodies (endogenous) but must come from some outside source (exogenous). However, this is clearly not the case according to the newest scientific evidence as it is claimed that the human body is full of what virologists call “viruses.” In fact, when you look at the evidence presented to us today, the human genome is primarily made up of “viruses” ,,, Due to the power of metagenomic sequencing, it has been determined that at least 48% of our genome is made up of “viruses.”

… “We are becoming accustomed to the idea that healthy humans are colonized by a rich diversity of microorganisms — the microbiome. However, less well known is that healthy humans are also colonized by a remarkable diversity of viruses — the virome. The human virome comprises bacteriophages (phages) that infect bacteria, viruses that infect other cellular microorganisms such as archaea, viruses that infect human cells and viruses present as transients in food.”

… These “viruses” that make up our virome are not considered pathogenic, are said to be integrated elements within our genome, and are believed to interact with the body in complex and MEANINGFUL ways.

Image: CDC @ Unsplash

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