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A Call For Unity

Mikki Willis shares a few critical secrets he learned after serving over twenty years on the frontlines of many of our nation’s biggest scandals and protests. Please take 7 minutes to watch this video, then SHARE IT FAR AND WIDE.

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12 Lies of Covid

Enjoy a bit of seasonal cheer with CHA President Stephen Malthouse and the J4V crew. This amusing and poignant take of the 12 Days of Christmas was written by J4V and the audiences who attended their events in October and November 2022. 

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Join our Nationwide Candlelight Vigils

Special message from Executive Director, Alan Brough on Bringing Light to Darkness and Healing to our Communities.

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Tell them you want to keep your doctor!

The BC healthcare system is on the brink of crisis. Dix and Henry want to fire more physicians under the pretense of keeping you safe. You can stop that. Call their offices daily. Tell them you want to keep your doctor!

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Unite to Preserve Freedom

Canada Health Alliance Executive Director, Alan Brough

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New Year’s Message

Canada Health Alliance Executive Director, Alan Brough

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