Canada Health Alliance

What Weakened Immune Systems Have Wrought for Children

Carla Peeters

… More observations on children’s health are alarming. Health experts in the US are seeing children in the middle of the summer testing positive for as much as seven common viruses- adenovirus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, human metapneumovirus, influenza and parainfluenza as well as coronavirus, with most of them having two or three combined.

Experts say COVID measures have worn down the immune system and made children more vulnerable for infections that normally do not occur in summertime and don’t need hospital visits. The explanation is that children are less exposed to these viruses and therefore not able to deal with the virus appropriately.

… Evidence from observational and real-world data on the damaging effect of the exposure of children to high levels of chemicals like PFAS, biocides, heavy metals, methanol and microplastics that have been poorly or never investigated for cytotoxic and genotoxic effects continues to grow. The scattered evidence worldwide needs to become actionable evidence with a measurable impact worldwide to prevent further harm. A realistic harm-benefit analysis is highly needed.

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