What’s All the Noise About Coffee?

Joseph Mercola

The number of Americans drinking coffee in 2017 rose after a decline of the previous four years as gourmet brews gained popularity, especially among younger consumers

A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge ruled that coffee must carry a cancer warning under Proposition 65 as the brew contains acrylamide, a known carcinogen and potential neurotoxin

Acrylamide is created when carbohydrate-rich foods are heated at high temperatures; but while the production of acrylamide starts with brewing, elimination with longer roasting means dark roast coffee contains less than light roasts

Caffeine is the most consumed psychoactive drug in the world, including children and adolescents; however, caffeine has demonstrated the ability to disturb sleep and had a long-lasting negative effect on brain maturation in young people

Image: cocoparisienne @ Pixabay

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