20 Bizarre Causes of Death that the Media is Blaming on Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

Daniel Horowitz

It’s become a common theme throughout the world since 2021 (not 2020): There is a spike in excess deaths and sudden unexplained deaths, including among younger people. It sounds kind of important, right? Shouldn’t we seek to investigate all the variables that have changed since 2021?

The fact that the human race is suddenly dying off early is no longer a secret. We need not pore through life insurance, medical billing, excess death, or disability data. The media is not even hiding the news of young people suddenly dropping from heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots. After all, that is why they invented the moniker of “sudden adult death syndrome.” But what is shocking is how they have conjured up every speculative reason under the sun as the culprit – often bordering on parody and insanity – rather than looking at a certain obvious starting point.

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