Praful Barvalia
For almost a century, the medical profes- sion has struggled to comprehend and work out ways to handle childhood disorders like ADHD as well as autism. Stimulants, tran- quillizers, hypnotics etc. have been used from time to time to deal with these disor- ders with varying degrees of results, but mainly short-term or temporary gains.
Homeopathy offered a definite approach, made deep inroads into the minute re- cesses of the tender psyche and modified the behaviour of all concerned for good; not only of the child but parents, teachers as well as the whole society. Dorothy Shep- herdʼs “Tuberculinum” or Borlandʼs “Stunted children” are the solid testimonies of ho- meopathic intervention.
A quick review of homeopathic literature gives ample evidence of the efficacy of homeopathic therapeutics in the management of special children; what was missing in the literature was an adequate standardized approach, comprehensive evaluation and thorough documentation.
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