Sally Fallon
During the last few years, a development long simmering in the background, the increased incidence of gender dysphoria—reduced sexual dimorphism and confusion about the defining behaviors of male and female—has appeared on the front pages of our newspapers and in headlines on the Internet.
As early as 1948, Dr. Francis Pottenger warned about this trend. In an article published by the American Nutrition Society he wrote: “Experimental work with animals shows a loss of secondary sexual characteristics after two or three generations on impoverished diets. Males lose their heavy masculine frame; their makeup begins to resemble the female. Females also tend to lose their distinguishing build so that both sexes approach a state of physical neutrality. . . .”
… Most modern children grow up in a sea of gender- disrupting chemicals, chemicals that can interfere with physical development as well as the complex biochemical pathways of the brain.
… Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are everywhere and can have profound effects not only on physical development but also on the developing brain in ways that affect a person’s sexual identity.
This exposure often begins in the womb.
Image: Juli ♥️ @ Pexels