Canada Health Alliance

Why Do Vaccines Continually Fail to Live Up to Their Promises?

A Midwestern Doctor

Vaccines are often ill-suited to contain the diseases they are made for. Because of this, false promises have to be made so the public will agree to a vaccination campaign. So as time moves forward, the goalposts have to be continually moved as the vaccines fail.

The ways vaccines fail are relatively consistent, so both those failures and the policy responses to those failures are pretty easy to predict. Almost everything that has happened with the COVID-19 vaccines should have been known before their deployment upon the American people.

The failures of the COVID-19 vaccines provide an immensely valuable lesson for understanding the critical issues underpinning the practice of vaccination. These lessons are essential for everyone to learn so that the same vaccine scam cannot be pulled with the next infectious disease that comes along.

Image: kfuhlert @ Pixabay

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