Canada Health Alliance

Why Are So Many People Dying? The Endless Butterfly Effects of Damaging Policies

Hart Group

The disappointment from Covidean doom-mongers about the recent – and entirely expected – downtick in cases of respiratory disease has been palpable, presumably because this has happened without recourse to ‘clever’ public health interventions. 

However, the news isn’t good: in fact it is bad, and sad. Far too many people are dying. Excess deaths – i.e. above-normal mortality – has been far too prevalent recently …

Elevated levels of mortality will not come as a surprise to those who were opposed – from the start – to the ridiculous notion of shutting down the nation in toto to somehow interfere with an already naturally abating viral epidemic.  Such a catastrophic disruption was clearly going to cause terrible collateral harm.

But how is this self-inflicted wound manifesting itself? This is not morbid curiosity (except in the most literal sense): establishing more detailed cause and effect would be helpful to avoid exacerbating an already bad situation.

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