Pierre Kory
One of the most important powers of [medical] journals is that they can drive headlines like nobody’s business. When a Pharma friendly study gets published in one of those journals, it launches a PR media campaign that no amount of commercials or advertisements could accomplish. Conversely, if Pharma wants to prevent an effective generic drug or vitamin from being adopted widely, they pay researchers to design, conduct, and publish fraudulent studies in these journals. When such a study is published, it triggers an equally effective “negative” PR campaign warning the world and its doctors against using such “dangerous” and “ineffective” therapies.
Big Pharma and BMGF (he gives money to a lot of medical journals) essentially control the high-impact journals. They figured out the importance of doing that many decades ago as numerous former editors have reported above. By doing that, Pharma can get the world to use ridiculous therapies like Remdesivir, Paxlovid and coronavirus vaccines while ignoring and recommending against the use of Vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin.
This post will detail the numerous, indefensible, and highly irregular rejections from publication of well-designed, positive trials of ivermectin. My next post will detail their use of a novel tactic whereby they got lesser impact journals that published positive studies of ivermectin to retract those studies.