Canada Health Alliance

Menticide 101 and the Brainwashing of a World: Part I – the Biosecurity State

Bruce Scott

It has become quite clear, especially during the last two years of the Covid-19 phenomenon, that the public—in Britain and the rest of the world—has been subjected to an onslaught of behaviour modification techniques, applied psychological terror, and menticide, otherwise known as brainwashing. This has been done with the use of unethical applied psychology.

This may sound far-fetched, and I am no doubt liable to be called a conspiracy theorist for it, but unfortunately, the tactics that have been deliberately deployed against us by our governments—who are supposedly there to keep us safe—have been used to confuse us, terrorise us, manipulate us, and change our minds and behaviour against our will and consent. Furthermore, we now have the threats of climate change, economic hardship and the spectre of war penetrating our psyche via the mainstream media.

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