Canada Health Alliance

Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate Them

James Lyons-Weiler, Russell L. Blaylock

Controversy over a reported increase in office visits specifically scheduled for illnesses and conditions in children has stalled progress in understanding adverse outcomes associated with an increasingly crowded schedule of pediatric vaccines. Studies finding associations between vaccines and adverse conditions have been targeted for retraction. Here, we revisit data from one such study, comparing the increase in office visits for conditions independent of the routine “well-child” visits (hereafter, Health Care Visits; HCVs) … When the data for vaccinated versus unvaccinated children are examined, the critic’s claim is exactly reversed. Relative Risk and Odds Ratios sustain and augment the original report. Additional office visits, beyond scheduled HCVs, are quantified, controlling for variation in kept HCVs and age/days of care. Estimates of Health Care Incidence (HCI) show that visits above regular HCVs increase due to vaccination by 2.56 to 4.98 additional office visits for vaccine-related health issues per unit increase in vaccination per year … Taking account of the complexities of healthcare-seeking with measured covariates and outcomes, especially adverse health events, suggests that vaccination may be driving the increased need for non-routine office visits for specific health complaints.

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