Canada Health Alliance

ICAN Obtains Disturbing Information About AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 Vaccine from the UK Equivalent of the FDA

AstraZeneca study finds vector DNA in the sciatic nerve, bone marrow, liver, lungs, and spleen of vaccinated mice.

The study documents further revealed that, in early 2021, AstraZeneca was forced to amend its data sheet for the vaccine after concluding that there may have been a causal association between the vaccine and serious hypersensitivity including anaphylaxis.

Another perhaps unsurprising revelation was the inclusion of disclaimer that a number of vulnerable populations, such as pregnant and lactating women and immunocompromised persons, were excluded from pre-market human safety studies.

A final shocking revelation in the documents was the heavily redacted discussion of two individuals who developed serious immune-mediated neurological demyelinating conditions following vaccination. 

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