Canada Health Alliance

Agrohomeopathy: An Emerging Field of Agriculture for Higher Crop Productivity and Protection of Plants against Various Stress Conditions

Sushobhan Sen et al.

Agrohomeopathy is one of the newest approaches in agricultural research. In recent years various scientific studies showed that potentised homeopathic medicines can alter physiological activities of plants. It can alter the rate of enzymatic activities, total sugar, protein and cholophyll contents in plants. Eradication of biotic and abiotic stresses upto some extent also made possible by the use of homeopathy. In case of biotic stresses-antifungal, anti-microbial,anti-insecticidal etc activities of various homeopathic drugs has been reported. Sometimes other path of abiotic stress (salt stress, drought stress,Cold Stress, Metal toxicity, Mechanical Damages etc.) control are costlier or less efficient. But proper selection of homeopathic drugs can be cost effective and very efficient in terms of abiotic stress tolerance in various crop species. The Similia principle of Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann is also significant in plant model. Some researchers proved that Similia Principle is very useful to overcome abiotic stresses of plants.

Ultra high dilution of homeopathic medicines can be used safely for various purposes (Seed germination, betterment of soil health, growth of seedlings, flowering, fruiting, protection against diseases and to overcome environmental stresses). But precautionary measures (proper selection of homeopathic drugs and its potency, proper dilution of drug with water) must be taken before use of these drugs. Wrong drug selection can show detrimental effects on crops and it is believed that higher dilution of drugs (1:500 or 1:1000) with water is more effective for plants. Proper selection of drug and its potency, agrohomeopathy can be an efficient and very cost-effective alternative that can increase farmers’ income by lowering the input cost of Chemical fertilizers and insecticides.

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