Canada Health Alliance

Are Vaccines Changing the Microbiome of Mankind?

Teresa Conrick

Vaccines.  The idea of them seems so good.  Inject a recipe of chemicals into human beings and animals, and they are then protected from microbial-causing diseases. The reality though for many families is something went wrong, either immediately after vaccination – seizures, death, or from that point forward, profound changes in health and development – REGRESSION.

… I continue to investigate research on the microbiome as there are patterns that seem connected to autism and other increasing diseases that share a dysfunctional microbiome. 

… Reading about the microbiome has shown some connections that may be influencing it in a negative manner. Antibiotics used in our food supply; mercury in the environment, food and medicines; pesticides; and vaccination, all seem capable of causing insidious changes in the microbiome. Research Is showing some vaccines seem capable of causing an unintended development. 

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