Canada Health Alliance

Are Viruses Real? A Brief Examination of How Diseases Develop in the Human Body & Terrain Theory vs Germ Theory

Michael McKay

Even though I’m usually quite open to new ideas, when I first heard someone say that “viruses aren’t real” I just dismissed it as pure craziness.

… And then one day in early August 2022 I was looking at and came across the link from Dr. Sam Bailey and her brief video asking the question, Are Viruses Even A Scientific Theory?3

Watching that video was pivotal for me and I highly recommend you watch it via the link below. Little did I know that watching that 15 minute video would help me see a whole new paradigm of Terrain Theory and how diseases actually form in the first place.

… This is Terrain Theory in a nutshell: We don’t catch diseases, we build them.

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