Canada Health Alliance

Beware of Exaggerated Claims of Climate Harm

Matthew Lau

Exaggerated claims about the harms of global warming are the stock-in-trade not only of the Trudeau government and publicly-funded climate institutes in Canada, but of many others in various quarters.

… To be fair, many studies do find global warming will reduce GDP. However, claims of very severe economic harm, as in Kiley’s study whose results “suggest the growth at risk from climate change is large” and the CHP study, which suggested “rising temperatures could reduce U.S. economic growth by up to one-third over the next century,” are not supported by research. In fact, the mainstream science suggests the economic harms of climate change are modest, even in the very long term.

… There is, in fact, good evidence showing the effect of climate change on economic growth will likely be insignificant and may even be positive.

Image: Faith McDonald @ Unsplash

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