Canada Health Alliance

Climate/Eco-anxiety: A Real Issue, But Not in the Way We’re Told?

Dawn Lester

The fear-mongering about ‘Covid’ seems to at last be subsiding; so surely we can now all heave a huge sigh of relief and get on with concentrating our efforts on creating new ways of living that will move us towards experiencing ever-greater freedom?

… Although not new by any means, the one that appears to be the favourite front-runner in the next media circus is so-called ‘climate change’ due to increased CO2 levels as the result of human activities. Contrary to this mainstream narrative is the huge body of information that shows quite clearly that CO2 does not drive ‘climate change’ nor does it cause warming temperatures.

… my intention is to focus on the consequences of this false narrative about ‘climate change’; how people are being manipulated into accepting a false reality; and the implications on human health, especially our emotional and mental health, a key aspect of true well-being.

Image: Karsten Würth @ Unsplash

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