Canada Health Alliance

Case Studies on Chronic (Long Term) Toxicity of Non-Degradable Nanomaterials

Jun Kanno

This series of studies aimed at feeding back the chronic toxicity information to the developers of nano-products before they are massively produced and consumed, or in other words, before they are exposed to the public in an uncontrollable fashion. Based on such information, the developers/ manufactures can produce safer product to foster the nano-industry with a sustainable market. In the 1980s and 1990s, a series of wrong risk assessment and management of asbestos had allowed its massive exposure to workers and various levels of exposure to a large indefinite number of non-worker population. This mistake should not be repeated by the champion of the high-technology “nanomaterials”. The case studies strongly suggested that both long fiber MWCNT and fullerene should be used strictly within the controllable confined space in order to avoid contact with living organisms where chronic tissue reaction, even mild, can be induced.

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