Canada Health Alliance

Covid19 Fraud, Deception and Fear

Roshan Ali

Covid19 was never a real pandemic or public health emergency because it is based on fraud and deception and driven by fear propaganda. Making ALL responses to covid19 unjustified, unlawful, immoral and unethical amounting to the biggest crimes against humanity.

So all laws, national and international, still apply and there can be no legitimate aim of interfering with human rights or religious beliefs etc for the “greater good” or “public health and safety”.

So, we’re supposed to believe that the government (who are not really our government but stakeholder puppets) are spending all our tax money and going through all this e ort (ie following their superior orders) to keep us “safe” from the perception of a pandemic not a real pandemic?

… Let’s take a look at some of the fraud and deceptions underpinning the alleged covid19 pandemic and the fear propaganda used to ensure compliance with government policies.

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