Did Side Effects from the Covid Shots Cause Any Excess Mortality?


To put this into perspective, the global average IFR of Covid for everyone under 70 had been determined to be about 0.07%.Despite the fact that all-cause mortality figures avoid the bias of how a death was classified, determining vaccine fatalities from excess deaths is not as simple as it might sound. In the first place, there were so many monumental changes to health care and lifestyle in 2020 that it would be imprudent to assume that every excess death in 2021 was caused by the Covid shots. Also, it is quite possible that people die every year from other vaccinations, and so form part of the expected deaths, not only the excess. How deaths from the Covid shot fit into this pattern is not entirely certain. What is certain is that there was and is a clear signal of mortality as a result of the vaccine rollout. Based on the foregoing discussion, the fatality rate is likely close to 0.1%.

Thus, not only does the evidence lead us to conclude that the vaccines prevented no Covid deaths at all, but there is good reason  to conclude that the shots were more lethal than Covid itself. Put bluntly, the cure was worse than the disease. Moreover, since the clinical trials were shut down after only six months, we have no solid data concerning any long-term consequences of these experimental injections. It remains to be seen if the fatality rate per dose will increase with time. 

What is it about the experimental Covid injections that is causing all these health complications and deaths? Is there something inherently toxic in the products? Is there a biological response that is triggering health complications? The sad reality is that since the mRNA platform has never been used in vaccines before, and since no toxicological studies were done on these products, we cannot answer these questions. Instead, we are running almost completely blind. 

Image: Steven Cornfield @ Unsplash

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