Canada Health Alliance

Microbiome-Based Hypothesis on Ivermectin’s Mechanism in COVID-19: Ivermectin Feeds Bifidobacteria to Boost Immunity

Sabine Hazan

Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic agent that has gained attention as a potential COVID-19 therapeutic. It is a compound of the type Avermectin, which is a fermented by-product of Streptomyces avermitilisBifidobacterium is a member of the same phylum as Streptomyces spp., suggesting it may have a symbiotic relation with Streptomyces. Decreased Bifidobacterium levels are observed in COVID-19 susceptibility states, including old age, autoimmune disorder, and obesity.

… We are hypothesizing the IVM mechanism of action as a therapeutic for COVID-19 is through feeding of Bifidobacterium, which then inhibits cytokine function and tames the cytokine storm. As such, IVM should be administered at the time of the cytokine storm.

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