Canada Health Alliance

Microwave Emissions and the Problem of Modern Viral Diseases

S. V. Avakyan and L. A. Baranova

The results of a study on the mechanisms of the influence of an increased level of microwave radiation on the growth of infectious, primarily viral, diseases in the environment are presented. This is the radiation of the earth’s ionosphere, which reached its maximum in the late 1980s–early 2000s, following an increase in the level of solar activity since the 17th century. Over the past 30 years, the anthropogenic electromagnetic background has increased 100 times due to the development of cellular mobile communications and computerization. The predicted interaction of natural and anthropogenic sources of microwaves sharply increases their negative impact on the ecological situation. Of particular concern is the active spread in recent years of the new 5G communication standard; in the future, it is the development of the most dangerous millimeter range in our country.

Energy from the environment in the microwave range can cause “unexpected behavior” in the DNA of viruses. Clarifications to the recommendations of experts on the protection of the population with the help of electromagnetic shielding, obtained in the framework of supramolecular physics of the environment, are proposed.

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